At AFL we are committed to delivering the highest quality products that meet or exceed our customers expectation.

The following quality and food safety principles are the foundation of Achiever Foods commitment to quality and food safety:

  1. Manufacture and deliver products that meet the highest quality and food safety standards, assuring product and process integrity.
  2. Meet all statutory and regulatory requirements for quality and food safety, including mutually agreed customer requirements related to quality and food safety.
  3. Ensure a sustainable quality and food safety culture through the implementation, certification and continuous improvement of effective quality and food safety management systems compliant with FDA, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification, FSSC 22000 – Food Safety System Certification, USDA Certified Organic, together with Achiever Foo ds system requirements and standards in all operations and where applicable.
  4. Validate the effectiveness of the quality and food safety management systems through internal and external audit processes recognized by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and Achiever Foods Company.
  5. Apply a risk assessment methodology, aligned with the context in which we operate, to facilitate our ability to achieve quality and food safety management system objectives and continually Improve.
  6. Build a quality and food safety capability, mindset and culture through structured programs that develop employees’ competencies and technical skills, increase awareness, manage risk and drive increasing levels of excellence across the organization.
  7. Continually review quality and food safety policies, standards and procedures to effectively manage food safety risks associated with changes in products, processes and technologies.
  8. Ensure that suppliers and contractors embrace the same quality and food safety commitments and monitor the materials and services they supply through audits and incoming goods inspections.
  9. Ensure that customer feedback and consumer complaints are reviewed and corrective actions taken to ensure food safety standards are continually met.
  10. Communicate quality and food safety requirements to suppliers, contractors, employees, customers and consumers and other relevant interested parties by establishing specifications for ingredients and packaging materials, product storage and distribution and consumer guidelines.
  11. Include quality and food safety strategies in the annual business planning process to ensure that food safety and quality remains an integral part of operations.

Signed by AFL Management

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