Daliha Organic Herbal Teas

Turkey berry (Solanum torvum), also known as ‘abedru, kantosi,nsusua’ in Ghana, is a small indigenous fruit that is High in iron, calcium and contains vitamin C, zinc, manganese and fibre etc. It usually grows in the wild hence the name ‘turkey’. It belongs to the eggplant family and it’s a berry comparable to other berries like blue berry.

Turkey berry has 15x MORE IRON than spinach and lentils
It has 3x MORE CALCIUM than kale
It has 3x MORE FIBRE than broccoli.

We sustainably source all our ingredients from Ghana with the hard work of our smallholder WOMEN FARMERS. Organic Herbal Teas, Powders, Juices and Jams are made without any additives and artificial colours.

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